Effective April 14, 2017 we are again able to accept BlueCross BlueShield policies as payment for services rendered.
We have received word from our provider network representative that Dr Jill has been restored in BlueCross BlueShield of Georgia (BCBSGa) systems, and claims should again process correctly effective April 14th. It will still be a lengthy process to have all affected claims reprocessed, but BCBSGa is initiating that process. If you have a claim for a date-of-service on or after March 2nd that was denied, there is nothing you or we need to do to have the claim reworked. Our provider network representative stated she will be calling us weekly to update us on the reprocessing task, and to ensure all new claims are processing correctly.
Our provider network representative said in the conversation that she did not know who we talked to yesterday, but we got noticed. That someone was all of you that called BCBSGa. We are humbled by the outpouring of support and grateful for your action, because you were heard.
Let this be a wake up call for all of us as to how fragile our third-party medical payment system is: a merger of two larger Anthem computing systems is the root cause of our erroneous termination—and we are not the only provider affected. As the computing adage says: garbage in, garbage out.
Update, July 19, 2017: Our provider network representative only checked in the first two weeks, and she is once again unreachable. BCBSGa has not reprocessed a single affected claim. The only reason we have been “reimbursed” for any affected claim is because we bore the burden and expense of re-filing every single one of the affected claims ourselves. BCBSGa continues to make plain it has no intention of acting in good faith to correct its error.