Vibrant Kids

An integrative practice of pediatric medicine combining traditional standards of care with evidence-based biomedical therapies.

Providing individualized pediatric care with special emphasis on children suffering from chronic conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), PANS/PANDAS and other chronic inflammatory disorders.

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin
Our Mission


Our mission is to be a full partner with you in writing your child’s health story. We reject the role of a nanny that third-party payers would like for us to play. We are offended by such a role because it inherently implies that you are incapable of making informed healthcare decisions for your family. Healthcare is a personal responsibility. Without you—the patient’s family—taking responsibility for your child’s health story, there is no opportunity for partnership, as we cannot have any long-term positive effect without it. Therefore, we respect your ability to make informed decisions, and our role is to fully educate you regarding the health issue(s) that are shaping and impacting your family’s health and wellness.

Our Purpose


Our purpose as a partner is to equip you with the vision of how to turn this eduction into practical application for your family’s life and life-style. Our role is to fully equip you to take control of the health issue(s) that is shaping and impacting your family’s health and wellness.

Our Goal


Our ultimate goal is seeing you become a well informed healthcare consumer; seeing you fully empowered via knowledge and tools to move beyond a life of merely managing symptoms, but to a life of healing, to a more “normal” life. Our role is to see our patient families fully empowered to take responsibility for their own health and wellness to achieve good health.

An independent, family-owned practice since 2012.

How can we serve you?





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One could say he’s a mascot. He would say he’s sort of a big deal. We just believe he’s great with our patients.

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