Our full payment policy will be provided for your review and signature of compliance during your first annual visit to our clinic or following a significant change in policy.
In general, our payment policy is not unlike that of any other business—we expect to be paid for all services rendered. As the patient’s parent or legal guardian, you are financially responsible for all charges incurred in our clinic. If you opt to use a third-party payer to pay your charges, you remain financially responsible for all charges not covered by your payer.
If you are using a third-party payer to pay your charges, we recommend you review our What to Know About Using a Third-party Payer to understand what to expect when using one of their policies in our clinic.
We accept payment in cash, check, or credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover ). We can take a credit or debit card payment over-the-phone at our “billing” extension or via a patient’s portal account. We will charge a $30 fee for any returned check; after two returned checks, all future payments must be made with either cash or a credit or debit card.
You will be denied service if any patient’s account for whom you are financially responsible has a past due balance.
You may be allowed an extended payment plan if payment is a hardship, if and only if you take responsibility for the hardship by making extended payment arrangements before any account goes past due.